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Add Fun with this halloween Backyard Game

To the great anticipation of children everywhere and some light consternation from their parents, Halloween is right around the corner. While kids thrill for the scary costumes and sugary candy, on this night of ghosts and goblins, parents often worry about the health and safety of their children.

With her book Ghost in the Graveyard, local author Marlene Byrne offers an alternative to the post Trick-or-Treat candy binge.

The book -- just one in the Project Play series -- encourages old-fashioned backyard games to inspire kids' creativity and imagination (while burning calories!) The Halloween story is a young chapter book about a neighborhood party that turns to backyard fun, inspired by her own kids growing up in Chicago's Edgebrook neighborhood.

"With Ghost in the Graveyard, I wanted to create something that inspires parents to feel good about their kids and friends playing imaginative games in the backyard," says Marlene. "I hope we never forget those wonderful games played in the backyards of our childhood, especially on Halloween."

An articulate and engaging author and lifestyle spokesperson, Marlene would be an interesting guest. I would be happy to send you a copy of Ghost in the Graveyard so that you can review it prior to the interview.


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